PART I: A week in the life of Agile You know that feeling when you’re rewatching one of your favorite shows? When you fall back in love with the characters, remember all the things you love about the storyline, learn something new about yourself and how you view the world? And despite knowing what’s going […]

Agile Methodology at Curate Well Co.

Aug 11, 2022


“What sets Curate Well Co. apart?” It’s a question that comes up often. TBH, we’ve grappled with the answer. Our singularity is more than just an approach–it’s a feeling: a series of principles and practices woven together to create something cohesive and compelling. Until recently, our process couldn’t be contained to a basic blueprint (and […]

Curate Well Co.’s Full Stack Approach

Apr 18, 2022


There’s so much happening inside your business — behind-the-scenes and client-facing — it can be hard [not to mention mildly overwhelming] to stop and evaluate your legal protection. But we’re going there. Because you want to do this now, not when you need it. We get it — legal contracts are not necessarily the most exciting […]

Contract Templates + Tools for Small Business Owners

Oct 28, 2021


This year rocked my world.  In some ways good, but in many ways….not so good.  It was a hard year.  I’ve spent more hours working than anything else. I feel frustrated. In some ways, I feel like I failed.  I also feel inspired.  As many obstacles as I faced this year, each rerouted me closer […]

An Open Letter from Pia

Oct 22, 2021


When it comes to your big business opportunities, it’s about who you know. If you want to be a driving leader within your space, you’ll need to use your voice by building genuine relationships. One of the most beneficial lessons I’ve learned in business growth is learning to open doors for myself by activating the […]

7 Days of Activation to Unlock Your Next Revenue-Generating Opportunity

Oct 14, 2021


Have you ever received a gift in the mail and just felt considered — seen, even? Whether you got something from a friend, family member, or a business, I bet you can tell when there was more thought given to you as the recipient, versus them as the giver. Building a meaningful community around your […]

The Power of Personal Touch-Points

Sep 16, 2021


I left my career in HR, Recruiting and People Operations because my managers kept ghosting me. And so I knew that as I grew my business and hired a team, I wanted to prioritize creating an internal company culture as much as an external one. It’s super common in the online-driven business space to outsource, […]

Solopreneur to CEO, Hiring and Enrolling the Right Team

Sep 2, 2021


Connecting with our community beyond social media is important to us at Curate Well Co. And what we know is that generating community and creating an experience for our community members is equal parts science and art. The logistics of creating community are as important as making sure each person feels a sense of community […]

The Tool That Merges Business + Community

Aug 19, 2021


You don’t have to spend a lot of time on social media to realize that you have the opportunity to be an expert. At Curate Well Co., we believe that everyone has a unique and impactful expertise, and that you deserve to share it with the world. More than that, we think that the people […]

How To Show Up as a Leader in a World Where Everyone Is an Expert

Jun 24, 2021


Did you get into entrepreneurship so you could make your own rules and stop conforming to the grind? I started Curate Well Co. after working in the tech and startup world. 60+ hour work weeks spent sprinting towards big goals was the name of the game. I thrived when given the chance to create from […]

5 Truths About Being an Entrepreneur

Jun 17, 2021


  At Curate Well Co. we celebrate community and collaboration. We’re an inclusive platform for female leaders to step into their authority and share their expertise. To fully embody the value of community, we host guest expert story takeovers on our Instagram @curatewellco several times a month. Below is a round-up of all our past […]

A Round-Up of our Guest Instagram Takeovers

Jun 10, 2021


I sat down to write this open letter, and asked myself: what do I need to hear in this season of my business?  One thing I’ve been reminded of over and over and over in business (and life) is that there is nothing like the shared human experience to:  Create connection and community  Build things […]

Open Letter from PIa

May 20, 2021