The Power of Personal Touch-Points

Sep 16, 2021

Have you ever received a gift in the mail and just felt considered — seen, even? Whether you got something from a friend, family member, or a business, I bet you can tell when there was more thought given to you as the recipient, versus them as the giver.

Building a meaningful community around your brand requires taking an individual approach to crafting your procedures and processes, so that even when distributed in mass, they still feel unique to the person experiencing them… When you have your head stuck in the weeds, worrying about your next launch schedule, your content calendar, and your upcoming client 1-on-1s, it can be easy to forget that there are humans on the other side of your business that are, more than ever, craving deeper connections.


Digital Touch-Points

This concept is something we’ve always kept in mind since the start of Curate Well Co. We inherently knew that without community, our long-term vision wouldn’t come to fruition — so we’ve always made a point to prioritize it. Personalized, digital touch-points can look like:

  • Leaving valuable, thought-provoking comments on their Instagram feed
  • Dropping in their DMs on their product launch date to offer excited encouragement
  • Sending an unexpected email a month after your clients’ contract ends to do a casual check-in


Physical Touch-Points

You can also explore adding touch-points beyond the computer screen. One way we do this is by sending welcome gifts to our high-touch consulting clients. When putting together gifts, we recommend including items that are personal and meaningful to you, your ICA, and are something they actually want to use (we are anti- off the shelf gift boxes over here. Every item that we select to go in our boxes is intended to be useful for the recipient — it’s the minimalist in us!)! For example some gifts we know are welcomed (and loved!) in the CWco. community are:

  • Neutral, quality coffee mugs
  • Simple office stationery
  • Branded matches (to go with our custom candle)
  • Organic t-shirt

The last thing you want to do is spend your hard-earned money on products that will not be used, or worse, end up in the trash (guilty!). This can take some brainstorming and maybe even some market research. Don’t be afraid to ask your community what they would actually want to receive as a gift. It can be helpful to also reflect on what you would want to receive. What gift would make you feel special and valued?

A cost-effective, non-digital touch-point that we love is sending a personalized card from Artifact Uprising. From everyday card designs, to holiday cards, and custom to you (branded!), Artifact Uprising can help you create a card for any need you desire. Especially in today’s digital age, there’s just something special about receiving a handwritten note in the mail — personalized to you. When you take a moment out of your day to write a thoughtful note to your clients, letting them know you are thinking of them, the touch-point will have them thinking about you well after they’ve read your message. Opposite of emails or DMs, people will generally keep and appreciate a physical card that was sent with love. Maybe it will be something they display on their desk! A personalized card will be something that will set you apart from other experts in your industry. You’ll remain top-of-mind for your client, and I’d venture to guess they will be much more eager to tell their friends and their own communities about you.


Cards you can consider sending to your clients:

    • Just Because
      Keep a branded stationery card on-hand to use whenever you need to jot an appreciation note to your client. Tip: Have one side printed with your custom design and the back blank, so you have plenty of time to write down what you need to!
    • End-of-Contract Thank You
      Thank you cards are the perfect way to finalize a partnership after a contract with your client has ended — and it’s much more memorable than an email.
    • Birthday Cards
      Keep an internal calendar with all your clients’ birthdays. With a supply of cards in your office, you’ll always be able to send a meaningful birthday wish on time!
    • Holiday Cards
      As the year comes to a close we’re all craving community a little bit more. It can be incredibly rewarding and meaningful (for you and your client!) to do one last touch-point and holiday well wish as we close out the year.

To build a lasting, loyal community, adding in personal touch-points, digital or otherwise, can be an easy (and humanizing) approach to add to make others feel seen and special in a way that also elevates and creates your unique brand experience. In a world that’s inherently loud, cut through the noise by getting personal. 


The links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase something through one of these links, we may earn a small commission. We only ever partner with brands that share our values, and that we’ve loved and purchased from prior to our affiliate relationship. The products we link are ones we own and use regularly. We never want to push you to purchase something you otherwise wouldn’t — and if you do choose to use our link to purchase something you’re excited about, we’re grateful to you for supporting CWco.


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