Angela is not only expert in operationalizing workplace culture, she’s incredibly kind too. When she and her partner came to Santa Barbara for her IRL Immersion, we shared laughs and great conversation over dinner. Moreso than Angela’s deep knowledge of and passion for what she does, I was struck by the warmth and realness of […]

Leaders We Love: Angela Howard

Jun 23, 2022


Marcy, also known as the Down There Doc, is changing the way individuals, employers, and our healthcare system think about the postpartum period that birth-giving people experience. She’s not only incredibly knowledgeable about what she does, she’s also hilarious. She tells it like it is, and we love that about her. She is revolutionizing the […]

Leaders We Love: Marcy Crouch

Apr 28, 2022


EB is the creative behind the camera for all of our brand photos. She’s responsible for our iconic look and feel, a partner in continuing to push the envelope of how our visual brand represents our values, and a wonderful human in many ways. One of my favorite things about EB is how she (and […]

Leaders We Love: EB Combs

Apr 15, 2022


I had the pleasure of working with Bailie in person. She came to Santa Barbara for an IRL Immersion, and we were able to help her craft messaging that truly reflects her practice’s cutting edge approach to treating mental health. Bailie is the owner of Peak Interactive Wellness in Denver, CO — a private psychiatry […]

Leaders We Love: Bailie Cronin

Mar 24, 2022


KaS is kind-hearted — more so than anyone else I’ve ever met. Her passion for people radiates out of her in a way that’s noticeable in your first interaction. I had the pleasure of working with KaS to optimize her business, and I’ll say this: her hospitality, honor, and humility blew me away. Not only […]

Leaders We Love: KaSandra Mitchell

Mar 10, 2022


Moria is thorough, committed, and takes exceptional care of her clients. She loves high quality everything, and prioritizes realness and vulnerability in her relationships. We’ve been lucky enough to support her for 6 months through a business pivot and significant rebrand to align her business with her personal values, and show up as the leader […]

Leaders We Love: Moria Hazan

Feb 10, 2022


Andrea is one of the most dynamic, inquisitive, and creative people I know. She consistently ideates, and connects with herself and others deeply and meaningfully. She seeks to understand things thoroughly, and her brain has the ability to connect complex concepts to one another, and process them with compassion. Andrea is easy to talk to, […]

Leaders We Love: Andrea Rossi

Jan 13, 2022


Ella + Michelle, of Wellth Works, are some of the most powerful leaders I know. Both have backgrounds working (very successfully!) in high-stakes settings, and yet they’re approachable, collaborative, and empowering. Their work is in helping women rise in their careers and experience fulfillment and success in largely male-dominated settings — and through that, shifting […]

Leaders We Love: Ella + Michelle

Dec 16, 2021


What I love about Erin is how real she is. Contrary to so many practitioners or platforms in the healing, personal inquiry, or alternative health spaces, she’s grounded, approachable, and gifted in combining her western medical education with eastern modalities of energy healing. She’s present and curious, which makes her a fantastic partner in any […]

Leaders We Love: Erin Schemenski

Dec 2, 2021


We can’t wait for you to meet Alex! Big Ad dropout, creative director, and soon retreat destination host, Alex is a beautiful balance of creativity and drive. We’ve loved having her in our community, and it’s been a joy to help her expand her brand to include not only services, but experiences too. She artfully […]

Leaders We Love: Alex Jensen

Nov 18, 2021


To know Amy is to know what compassion feels like — for yourself and for others. No one offers understanding and grace (with a healthy dose of humility too) like Amy does. Over the last 3 years, we’ve gotten to know Amy as a friend, client, fellow business owner, and expert in the nervous system […]

Leaders We Love: Amy Morrison

Nov 4, 2021


Kim is one of the most genuine and considerate people I know. She reliably enters zoom calls with flair, asks careful questions, and holds compassion for so many people in her heart daily. She thrives on context, and gracefully honors the complexity of the human experience — both individually and globally. Her work through GaneshSpace is […]

Community Interview with Kim Thai

Aug 26, 2021