Leaders We Love: Alex Jensen

Nov 18, 2021

We can’t wait for you to meet Alex! Big Ad dropout, creative director, and soon retreat destination host, Alex is a beautiful balance of creativity and drive. We’ve loved having her in our community, and it’s been a joy to help her expand her brand to include not only services, but experiences too. She artfully demonstrates what it looks like to reject stagnation but rejoice in slowing down, and her work highlights her commitment to intentionality. Read on to hear from Alex!

Who you are and what do you do?

Hi there – I’m Alex Jensen, a Creative Director and artist at my core. I founded a creative collective called Manifest It Collective. Our design process empowers positive-purpose brands to get their products in the hands of more people – through good design for their greater mission. 


How do you define leadership?

Leadership to me is not being afraid to go against the grain and speak your truth. A true change-maker – someone who recognizes a problem, or that something could be done better and actually takes the initiative to improve it. Someone who finds value in collaboration and sees people for their strengths, not their weaknesses. A builder of community, an empath who gives more than they take and cheers you on when you’ve achieved your version of success.


What’s one (yes, just one) thing you’re really good at?

Conceptual thinking! I’m a strong conceptual thinker and everything I do and design is backed with an intentional thought process and concept.


Tell us about a time when you realized this is what you were meant to do.

About 5 years ago, I had the privilege of relocating to Bangkok, Thailand for a contract with a global ad agency I was working for in New York City. It was the first time that I was in a position to lead a small team and travel for work – our clients were in Singapore and I art directed a few photoshoots in Seoul, Korea. Being in more of a leadership role and having the freedom to travel, I learned so much in a short span of time. It was both the best and worst of both worlds. I was traveling and exploring new cultures, but I was working long hours for a boss who didn’t appreciate me, would rather I was a man and who didn’t love my ideas – a theme that seemed to follow me from New York, to across the world. I realized that I love what I do just not who I was doing it for. So I chose not to extend my contract, even though they wanted me to, and applied for my LLC after returning to the States. I decided to build a business that only worked with clients I respected and shared their values and who respected and valued me and mine in return. 


What’s one personal value you hold true in your business?

Holistic: I take a holistic approach to creativity and design (and in life). I believe that everything is interconnected and it’s important to always think big picture – ie. How will that design choice affect something else? When you develop a brand in a holistic way, it becomes more sustainable as it grows, expands and changes through the seasons. 


What do you do when you’re not working?

When I’m not working, I go on hikes with my partner and dog – nature is one of my biggest sources of inspiration. I explore art parks, geek out on type design and branding on beautiful packaging. I also love to cook and eat good locally-sourced food, I’m a total foodie. Having recently moved from Brooklyn to upstate NY, I’m also making a conscious effort to find new ways to remain creatively stimulated and inspired – something that helps me feel whole as a creative human. 


What’s in your 10-year vision?

A world where this stat: “0.1% of creative agencies are owned by women” is a thing of the past. Where women-owned businesses are the norm and we’re treated with equal respect, opportunity and pay. I envision an established and supportive community of like-minded creatives, entrepreneurs and innovators around me that care about leading a sustainable life, are wellness oriented, have a passion and drive to create and truly want to make a positive difference. This community is starting to come to fruition, as we launch a creative property concept called Moonbeams (IG: @experiencemoonbeams) – coming summer of next year! I’m excited to manifest this all into tangible reality!


Who is one person who has shown you what’s possible in your life or business? What was the “see to believe” lesson they taught you? (This can be someone you know, someone you don’t know, or even a fictional character!)

My friend Sadee, a client that has become a dear friend. As I was starting Manifest It Collective, I was also working through a challenging transition in my personal life. I decided to schedule several sessions with Sadee (IG: @sadeebrathwaite) where we dove deep – she truly helped me step into my power again, as a woman, a creative and human. She offered amazing guidance, helpful rituals to incorporate into my life and was a true voice of encouragement and love when I needed it most. I’m forever grateful and still always feel just so uplifted after our conversations and collaborations.  


What’s one moment in your life that, looking back on, made you realize you would own your own business?

My 10 year corporate advertising career in general. It made me crave more freedom, a healthier work/life balance and the ability to create real impact with purpose-driven brands and businesses that shared my values. I’m so grateful to have that now and to have built this life. Manifest It Collective is now 2+ years old and thanks to our latest brand refresh, new website and more aligned offerings – I feel like we’re just getting started! 


What are three things you always have on you (beside phone, wallet, keys)?

  • One of my prescription sunglasses/glasses – as someone who appreciates all the details, this is essential. 
  • My rings – my hands feel naked without them and two of them were my grandparents. I feel more connected to them when I wear them. 
  • A hair tie, I lead an active life and have a 100+ lb dog


This Leaders We Love segment features Alex Jensen.

Alex Jensen is the Creative Director and Founder of Manifest It Collective. Manifest It is nothing like your average agency; it’s a creative collective of like-minded people, all with the same goal – to do good. Good for their clients and with their clients, clients who want to change the world through good design for a greater mission. Alex is a total typography nerd, a lover of all things tactile and textural, a believer in sustainable-first solutions and has now embraced the learnings and importance of slowing down in life after a 10 year career in corporate advertising. Alex deeply cares about details and that translates through all of her and Manifest It’s creative executions. 

You can follow Alex on Instagram @manifest_it_collective


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