Licensing Her Course to Serve Larger Clients Across the Country

Jan 31, 2022

We built Molly a B2B model that allowed her to scale her boutique service into a digital platform in the corporate space.




Molly Woodhull | Woodhull Wellness 

Molly holds certifications from Stanford University and Duke University focussed on compassion and mindfulness. She’s worked with some of the biggest organizations in the country including state and county government offices and public schools to create mindful moments and spread her signature approach: micro-meditations.




Molly is a meditation guide and mindfulness leader, focused on serving corporate clients and teams. With a full client roster, she was traveling around town most days to lead sessions in person, feeling stretched thin by the amount of commuting she was doing. 

While she’d grown her business to become a household (local) name in the corporate wellness space, she didn’t have a digital platform to serve larger clients, clients with many offices, or clients based in other cities, which she needed in order to reach more people with her proprietary micro-meditation approach. 

Molly didn’t have a seamless client acquisition, onboarding, and communication process — which she realized she was going to need in order to attract contemporary, agile workplaces as clients in the future. While her clients raved about her services, she felt limited by her lack of sales and onboarding processes, and wanted to be able to show up for potential client meetings with organization, confidence, and a killer message.

She lacked the systems to continue growing with her current business model, and more so, wanted to create a scalable way to serve clients. These challenges left her loving her work and certain about her potential to capture more of the market, but unsure of how to grow beyond the boutique small business she’d started to achieve her vast vision.


We provide unique-to-you business strategy, create structures that support your scale, and shepherd you and your brand to stand out in the market. 



We worked with Molly to

  • Design, create, and launch her first online course, which she delivers to both individuals and corporations, a model she used to create her second course on her own
  • Create a financial model to white label and “license” her course to organizations with tens of thousands of employees across multiple offices, resulting her ability to secure new client contracts in cities all over the country
  • Craft a compelling (and converting) client acquisition and onboarding process including the creation of a pitch deck and a professional infrastructure to wow her clients from the first interaction

After our work together, Molly was able to deliver her work at scale, sparking a movement centered around the benefits of micro-meditations and realistic self care — and was fully equipped to pitch  multiple-six-figure contracts with major organizations that employ tens of thousands of people.

Because of the systems and strategy we helped Molly create, she’s since been able to create, launch and “license” another course, sign larger contracts that don’t require her live and/or in-person presence, and even expand her services into mindful business consulting.

Now that Molly has a solid strategy to acquire corporate clients, and the systems to support her continued expansion, she’s able to pursue more opportunities and continue to shape the way we show up at work and in life. 



Through working with Molly 1×1 in a consulting capacity, we focused on packaging her expertise and experience into a consumable product, and honing in on how to position her product as she navigated away from real-time delivery towards creating content that’s self-directed for consumers and the companies they work at. 

To do this, we

  • Identified which resources, concepts, tools, and lessons were going to best equip people to meditate on their own
  • Organized a vast library of knowledge, information, and guidance from Molly into a user-friendly product
  • Tested the user experience to ensure the format of the content would work well for busy employees

Then, we focused on communicating the value of the content, in order to sign larger clients and white label the course. Together we, 

  • Completed in-depth ICA profiles for the three key segments of her clientele in order to capture and compel the perspectives of larger organizations and key decision makers
  • Rewrote her brand messaging to consider the decision-makers and the consumer of her product, accurately conveying the potential her work has on workplaces and their stakeholders
  • Designed a pitch deck to accurately communicate the ripple effect of her content across the organization’s ecosystem, both internally and externally 
  • Crafted a marketing strategy that positioned her offering as both a recruitment and retention tool and part of the company’s benefits package, and a transformational platform for organizations to affect their external communities and stakeholders

By setting Molly up for success to communicate across layers of an organization, we were able to help her hone in on her B2B business strategy and acquire clients more effectively. And by taking Molly, sequentially, through our Full Stack process of building a new product from scratch, the systems to support it, and the client acquisition strategy to see it to market, we were also able to equip her with the resources to continue creating new offerings repeatedly, long after our work together came to an end.



“Spreadsheets and organization! [Curate Well Co.] is action-oriented and results -driven. Determined to build systems and improve business, Pia changed the way my business functions, and I could not be happier.”


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