Tips for Working from Home

Apr 15, 2020

It’s no secret that working from home has its advantages. I mean, sweatpants (or no pants!) all day long—everyday! Who doesn’t want that? But it does come with its own set of challenges if you don’t have a plan or system in order. While you’re enjoying the no-pants-parade,  you still have shit to do. Here are 6 tried and true tips for working from home.

Tip # 1

Have a designated work space in your home. Somewhere that is comfortable and allows you to stay focused. Working from your bed is nice and all… until you have a deadline coming up and all you can think about is that load of laundry in the corner that needs to be put away. If you don’t have a home office or desk make one on your dining room table (#nobralife) or purchase a nice set of headphones to help you focus.

Tip # 2

Plan your day/week with time blocking. Make a list of everything you do in a week and group similar tasks together. This will identify your main work functions. Then look at your weekly calendar. Assign each function to a day, half day, whatever amount of time makes sense for the task and keep it there from week to week. This tool sets boundaries and creates structures that ensure you’ll do those recurring tasks. For a more in-depth look at how I use time blocking read this post.

Example time blocked schedule:
Monday: CEO day with a focus on task-based work, admin and internal operations
Tuesday: client day
Wednesday: client day
Thursday: client day
Friday: CEO day with a focus on high level strategy and planning, creative work and content creation

Tip # 3

Have a to-do list. Writing down everything you need to do that day or week can give you a clear visual on how you need to manage your time. Give yourself a pat on the back for checking everything off on your list for the day. Finish early? Working ahead can potentially free up time later in the week. A to-do list frees up valuable space in your brain. You won’t have to worry about remembering the little things because you already have them written down and planned out. For more read How to Create a Badass To-do List.

Tip # 4

This goes without saying, but you have to show the f up. There is no getting around it. Whether you are working for yourself or for someone else,  you have to prove that you can be reliable. Prove that you can get shit done. And the only way to do that is to show up. Need help with habit shifts and accountability? Gretchen Rubin has wonderfully helpful podcasts, books, and video courses that can help you be productive, be more creative, and shift habits for a lifetime.

Tip #5

Schedule breaks! The obvious problem with working from home is not being focused enough, but for certain people the problem can be the exact opposite. It can be difficult for people to walk away from their work if it is just sitting there waiting to be done. It’s important to remember that breaks are good for your productivity, focus levels, and creative inspiration. Working for long amounts of time can lead to stress and exhaustion which no one needs. Schedule rewarding breaks throughout the day—i.e. coffee break at 10:15a, 12:00p lunch, and a 2:00p walk outside. Try moving your workspace from room to room as the sun moves for a change in scenery (good lighting in a Zoom video call never hurt anybody).

Tip # 6

If something isn’t working—ADJUST. Don’t feel bad about doing something different if you work better doing that thing differently. You do you.

From my home office to yours, I’m cheering you on!



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