Ep. 003 | Sales Culture, Leadership, and Getting on the Same Side of the Table

Apr 11, 2022

Where you won’t find trendy business tactics, but you will find truthful insights and timeless stories from leaders to look up to.


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Ep. 003 | Curate Conversations With Pia Beck

“The point is for everyone to be on the same team and move forward. We don’t really care who scores, we care that the team wins.” — Macy McNeely

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Today’s conversation is with Macy McNeely and Kathryn Shubert, two-thirds of the Guide Culture founding team. 

GUIDE Culture is an 8-Week Sales and Leadership Training designed to teach you timeless sales skills that have the potential to transform your business and life.

Macy is co-founder and co-CEO of GUIDE Culture, and has been changing the game of sales since 2016. She grew up in a sales-culture home and has been passionate about every organization in America becoming a sales-culture organization. She believes that life is a series of sales transactions. When sales skills are 2nd nature, you can control conversations, communicate effectively and become an incredible leader. Once her dad, Loy Day, taught her his sales training he created for his staff, everything changed and she knew she had to share the information. From there, GUIDE Culture was born. As a team, they have been on a mission to make sales cool again. 

Kathryn, co-CEO of GUIDE Culture, always had the dream of being a fancy corporate person, clicking her heels in a marble lobby every day. After college, she stepped into that role for a short time and quickly realized it was not what she had  imagined for herself. The phrase “clocking in” still makes her nauseous. She made the pivot into a side-hustle so she could create her own life, make her own money, and be her own boss. She found herself on a roller coaster of motivation and fulfillment. From there, she decided to invest in herself – that investment was GUIDE Culture. Kat was one of the first GUIDE Culture students and since that day, she was a part of every single training offered. She was a student multiple times and slowly started teaching. She made herself invaluable to the GUIDE Culture team and is now on a mission to help people go from salesy to serving and take GUIDE Culture to the masses. 

Loy, who couldn’t be with us for this conversation, is Macy’s dad and creator of the GUIDE Culture material. Before the GUIDE Culture® material, he had a strong desire to break out of the life he’d been told needed to go a certain way. But he didn’t have any confidence or skills. So naturally, he started a business. It became clear that to Loy that he needed to both lead his team AND sell his product. 

He started to create a training that he could refer to and that he could teach to his staff. He wanted to have a positive, results-driven culture. What he likes to call a “sales culture”. (We talk more about this in the episode).

30 years later, this training has become GUIDE Culture. It’s filled with timeless information and techniques that WORK.

In this conversation with Kat and Macy, we talk about what it means to act like a salesperson, the difference between sales skills and sales messaging, and so many different ways to re-think your approach to sales. Enjoy!


Links mentioned in this episode:

Special thanks to our sponsors, Parker Clay (code CURATE15) and SeaVees (code CURATE20). Music created by Queentide.



Today’s conversation is with Macy McNeely and Catherine Schubert two-thirds of the GUIDE Culture. founding team. GUIDE Culture is an eight week sales and leadership training designed to teach you timeless sales skills and have the potential to transform your business and life. Macy is co-founder and co CEO of GUIDE Culture and has been changing the game of sales since 2016.

She grew up in a sales culture home and has been passionate about every organization becoming a sales culture organization. She believes that life is a series of sales transactions and when sales skills are second nature, you can control conversations, communicate effectively and become an incredible leader.

Once her dad Loy day taught her his sales training that he created for his staff. Everything changed and she knew she had to share the information. From there GUIDE Culture was born. As a team they have been on a mission to make sales cool again. Catherine is co CEO of GUIDE Culture, and she’s always had the dream of being a fancy corporate person clicking her heels and a marble lobby every day. After college, she stepped into that role for a very short time and quickly realized that it was not what she had imagined for herself.

The phrase clocking in still makes her nauseous, same. She made the pivot into a side hustle so that she could create her own life, make her own money and be her own boss. She found herself on a roller coaster of motivation and fulfillment. And from there, she decided to invest in herself and that investment was GUIDE Culture. Kat was one of the first GUIDE Culture students. And since that day she was part of every single training offered. She was a student multiple times and slowly started teaching. She has made herself invaluable to the GUIDE Culture team and is now on a mission to help people go from salesy to serving and take GUIDE Culture to the masses.[00:04:00] 

 Loy who couldn’t be with us for this conversation is Macy’s dad and creator of the GUIDE Culture material. Before the guide culture material, he had a strong desire to break out of the life he’d been told, needed to go a certain way. But he didn’t have the confidence or the skills. So naturally he started a business.

 It became clear to Loy that he needed to both lead his team and sell his product. And so he started to create a training that he could refer to and that he could teach to his staff. He wanted to have a positive results driven culture. And that’s what he likes to call a sales culture. We talk more about this in the episode. 30 years later, 30 years y’all this training has become GUIDE Culture. It’s filled with timeless information and techniques that work. In this conversation with Kat Macy, we talk about what it means to act like a salesperson. The difference between sales skills and sales messaging, and so many different ways to rethink your approach to sales. [00:05:00] Enjoy.


This podcast wouldn’t be possible without our partners. Let’s hear from Parker Clay.


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 All right. So Macy, Kat welcome. I’m so excited for our conversation. I love that you guys are in sync. You said that at the exact same time, we’re going to talk more about that later in your life twinning. Um, the first question that I like to ask is in your own measure of success, tell us something you’re proud of.

So this could be number of students that have gone through the GUIDE Culture program. It could be something someone said to you, it can be anything you want. 

Um, I’ll tell you the first thing that comes to my mind. When you say number of students, I’m definitely proud of that. There’s been over 800 but.

What’s really, really cool. About those 860 people is the type of people. The fact that, in a world [00:07:00] where online business and all these things could be. So, you know, how do you draw in the right people? The fact that the quality, I mean, with the right heart, the right mindset, really people who want to impact the world and even just down to their families, um, and how they function as humans. They’re just amazing. They’re really, really winners. And that just makes me really proud. 

Yeah. Um, I instantly thought of one of our coaches brave, we were at, we were at our coach retreat and she just made a comment off to the side. She was like, you know whenever I’m around GUIDE Culture people, hold your people. I like ha I just have to be this next level of excellence because everybody is excellent. And it just feels good to be around people who are really on that growth trajectory, especially if it’s not that common in your real life, to be able to come in a GUIDE Culture kind of lab or retreat or con conference or in-person and be able to experience.

Yeah, totally. Kat you use the word winners and y’all have a lot of language that is pulled from what I would call the athletic arena. What is that mean? What does it mean to be a winner? How do you define.

It’s a really good question, because it does come down to how are you performing? Like, are you getting results? We care so much about people getting results in their business and in their health, in their life. We don’t teach health, but we certainly care about people’s whole person life outside of their business. So. When it comes to winning, it really is like an embodiment and an identity because we believe that you could get the best results in the world and still feel like junk about yourself. Um, so for people to feel like they’re winning in the process of feeling excellent, pursuing excellence, believing in themselves and trusting themselves to get results. That’s a winner mentality. 

You know what Dennis Waitley says, what does he say? He says winning is coming in forth exhausted and proud because you came in fifth last time. And that’s what it is for us is just being 1% better. and honestly like any, I mean, I don’t know any super bowl winners, but what I are professional athletes, but I feel like from what I hear of these professional athletes, Is that the process, the practice, the showing up the discipline, like that’s honestly the fun and the Superbowl or the marathon is really where you just get to enjoy because the work was put in, you know, over time. And that’s what we think ourselves as a professional athletes, putting in the work and enjoying the journey.

I love that. I was just talking to someone earlier this week, who does a lot of work with entrepreneurs specifically who have been in grind mode. They’ve been like heads down, like doing the thing, and then they get where they’re going. And they’re like, this isn’t what I thought it was like, I don’t feel celebratory. So I think what y’all are talking about and having a winning be more of like a mindset in a way of being versus a destination. It’s really powerful for sure. 

And it’s so crazy. And you know, this to Pia, it’s like you said, this goal and the second you hit it, you just move the goalposts. Just keep moving it, keep moving it. And so to fall and you have no choice, but to fall in love with the process, because you’ll [00:10:00] never be satisfied if you don’t.

 So y’all have a, another cohort of your program GUIDE Culture coming up in the spring. And you just sold out of your winter cohort. And you mentioned something that I thought was really interesting, which is that when people sign up early, when they commit to the upcoming cohort before you’re, you know, actively enrolling, let’s say. Like, their name is on the wait list. They’re ready to go. That they start to see themselves as salespeople. And they start to act like salespeople even before the program starts, even before they’ve gone through your work. So I totally experienced that, which is why it stuck out to me. What do you think is the biggest barrier for people thinking of themselves as salespeople? 

 That’s such a good question. You know, I think especially online and we are definitely not just for online entrepreneurs, it’s sales skills or life skills. If you talk with people, you are in sales and, but on the, on, in online, just you’re an online business. Obviously people tend to see themselves as like [00:11:00] sharers. Like, Hey, I’m just going to like share a product. I’m just going to share my life. I’m just going to like casually talk about things to where hopefully someone might buy and while there’s nothing wrong with that, you can absolutely do that. I think that that’s like the norm of, you know, the influencer world. What happens is you really just become kind of like an ambassador and not a professional. Professional people know how to just like really confidently and directly talk about their product to help people see that it’s a fit for them. So when you just like lean in and just be like, Hey, I’m not like be a sales person. What happens? What happens is you, kind of become almost like a fanatic in your product, right? So like, Chick-fil-A, let’s say for example, here’s a Chick-fil-A cup. Let’s say you really just be like, Hey, I’m in a. Love Chick-fil-A, I’m not going to be just someone who casually likes it. I mean, like learn about it and I’m going to go like per you know, help people see the chick plays the best of all. You’ll go. And you’ll like, learn the ingredients. You’ll learn how it’s being cooked. You’ll learn the story of it. You’ll learn [00:12:00] like how they lead their people. Like you will learn deep about the product, not just shallow. And when you’re a sharer, you just, you kind of get exempt from having to do that. But a sales person knows that to be, be a professional they have crazy product knowledge, they communicate in a clear and direct way. And they guide people in that, in that decision.

And kind of like we were talking about with this winner mentality to way that you move through life and you, and it becomes part of your identity. It’s the same thing. It’s like, you’re, you’re investing into this identity and I don’t think people even realize it. Right. Pia, you probably didn’t expect like, oh, I’m just going to have this weird shift of sales person belief when I sign up for this training. But it’s like subconscious and hopefully honestly, that’s because we did a good job of convincing people. That being a salesperson is honorable. It’s actually your duty to sell the thing that you believe will help people. and so I think it really is that subconscious shift of I’m going, like, let’s just do this. And so maybe a better word for that is [00:13:00] surrender. Like you just kind of surrendered to the process of being a salesperson in a world where that isn’t, glamorized, but it’s actually super honorable because you do take so such ownership over what you’re doing.

 I love that. You’ll talk about ownership a lot and that’s something that’s really important to me too. So I want to put a pin in that and ask about that later. Yeah. One thing you said that really sticks out to me is that it’s, um, the shift from, I’m going to show up casually to, I’m going to show, I’m going to show up as a professional. And I love that because I think there’s this really weird thing that happens, especially in those of us that have a strong online presence. For our businesses where there’s this weird, like ego thing of like, oh, I can just show up and like casually, just like be cool and have this platform. And people will be attracted to me and people will trust me and, and pay for this thing that I offer. And, I think it’s so cool to not be casual about things that really matter. And so I love that you use that word of, yeah, [00:14:00] this isn’t casual, right? This is your life’s work. It’s these people’s lives work that we’re interacting with through our own. And sales is a really honorable and important skill to be able to like, cause the impact that we want to have on the world. 

We can end the podcast there. Yeah. Completely completely agree. We say, you know, amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until they can’t get it wrong. And, and that’s the business we’re in, is, you know, if you think about a professional athlete, they practice for decades for one game. They practice for their whole life for one moment. And I don’t know about you Pia, but when I’m looking for a service, I want someone that sees themselves as a professional. Like they don’t do things on the side. Like, I want someone that like dedicates their life to photography or dedicates their life to interior design. Not like I’m casual about it. I want someone that knows their stuff. And, I think people think, oh, I just want to be relatable and professionals, like maybe not aren’t relatable, which [00:15:00] I that’s not. I get why someone might think that, but it’s just simply not true. You want to be seen as the go-to person and casual people are not seeing. 

Totally. So, okay. So coming back to the example of professional athletes, tell me if I’m wrong, but my impression is that that came from Macy, your dad, Loy, who is a business partner to both of you. He was a coach. And so there’s a lot that y’all pulled from that field into your fields. And, uh, he raised you in a sales culture home. Is what you said. So, what is sales culture and, and what does that look like? At home.

Yeah, that’s a good question. Sales culture is, it really is, creating an environment where people kind of make decisions on their own, but with your guidance. So for example, like I know that I would come home and I would like want to go to a party. You know what I mean, everybody, or like a bonfire that was a thing in high school and where most parents would be like, no, [00:16:00] dude. I say, I’m the boss, like you’re under my roof. I’m gonna take away your phone. If you don’t listen to me there, they ask me questions, but Hey, tell me a little bit more about like, who’s going to be there. What makes you excited about it? They’re getting information. And part of that invert getting information is knowing, Hey, what does she really want? Ultimately, is it to go to the bonfire or is it to be included on Monday morning at school? Like what does she really want and how can we get her what she really wants without it being World War three in our home. And so that’s at home culture that I think everybody would want where I can like go upstairs and say, you know what, mom and dad like, you’re right. It’s not the best thing. I’m going to have my own, like get together with the, you know, the girls who aren’t going to the bonfire where I do feel included on Monday morning with them. Um, and that’s the same thing with our team too. It’s like we have a team here that we want everybody to like drive towards the mission. We call it, push the pig up the hill together. Not because we tell them to, and they work for us and we pay. But because like, Hey, we have like such a greater mission and we know everybody’s [00:17:00] dominant buying motive is what we call it and kind of help connect their work to the vision of why it matters.

I could’ve avoided so many sketchy situations. If my parents did that for me in high school. Like I spent all of high school, like sneaking around and making like pre really terrible choices. 

And it’s funny you say that Pia, because there was a moment last year I messaged Macy and I said, you know, what’s weird about us selling sales skills. What is almost challenging is that we really prevent people from pain. We really, it really takes someone being like, you know, I do want that for my teenage daughter, even though she’s two right now, or I really do want that for my future team, even though I’m struggling to make sales right now, like there really does need to be that forward looking how do I want the people around me to buy in? To the idea, the belief for the long haul, not just to make the next $10,000, because we really believe that that’s the easy part. And in fact, you can, you can make $10,000 through a promotion or a sale or [00:18:00] some other unsustainable thing, but to really invest in sales skills, it’s a long haul decision. Um, but like the pain, right? Like how much could we avoid when we just get people to buy in? 

And you know what you just said, you said my daughter’s two, but I want it to be ready for when she’s in high school. That is the Superbowl moment. That conversation in high school, even you prepare starting when she’s two to when she’s 16, your Superbowl moment is when she says, mom, I want to go to the bonfire and you go to sleep peacefully that night because she made the decision. And guess what happens when she makes the decision? Now, she, she can go to college. And she can know like the bigger picture for her life and not rebel because she made the decision, not Kat forcing her. So these Superbowl moments, they’re little deposits that add up in a really big way and honestly change the trajectory of your life and change your legacy, truly 

 I love that we believe in incremental growth as well. And I love the word deposit. We’ll circle back on that later. Cause I know y’all have like pillar around that year. [00:19:00] and I think this is a really interesting to think about you. You gave a very short example of what this looks like on your team too. And one of the best pieces of advice that I got from a mentor was to manage conversations, not people. Like, ultimately we can’t manage people. Right. We like to think we can, and sometimes we can a little bit, but ultimately people are going to do what they’re going to do. And so it’s not actually about managing the person it’s about managing the conversation.

 Yeah, totally. I mean, and ultimately, like you want to know what someone really wants and you only get that through conversation. Right. So that’s beautifully said, I love it. 

So, y’all are like twins, which is like super strange and totally cool. And I’m sure it has a ton of benefits. Right? So the day Macy see that you had her baby, you had your baby. Cat did 75 K in sales that day, while you were having a baby. And today Kat you are super pregnant, like literally about to pop at any second. Right. And so a really cool that y’all have this, this partnership that allows you to tag each other in and out that you have so much in [00:20:00] common. And I’m really curious, in what ways are you different from each other? And how does that show up in your working relationship and your co-leadership at GUIDE Culture?

Yeah. Well, what’s crazy. Pia is our life twin moment is we actually did, you know, we were born on the same exact day. Same year, same day, got married same year, same day. Our social security numbers are one apart. We were in the same hospital. Like it’s great, but we really didn’t come together until GUIDE Culture. Grew up in the same town kind of thing. So there’s a lot of similarities, but we’re also super different. Yeah. What would, what would you say? 

Okay, so this is gonna come out. oh, I’ll explain. I have actually been thinking about this recently because it’s been such, I think it’s ever since we’ve been like tackling different projects, what Macy is the hardest worker you will ever meet in your life? I mean, If it’s not obvious to people who watch it’s, it’s the athlete mentality and it proves like there’s so much fruit that comes of it. There’s just been like a trend in your life. And my [00:21:00] personality is to be like super efficient. And so I’m like the work smarter, to her work harder. So true. And so I’ll, she’ll check me on like, Hey, will you like go hard on this? And then I’ll be like, Hey, we need to go smart on. That’s right. And I think that’s probably our biggest, ying yang thing a hundred percent. And thank God. We’re not both the same there, because there are things that need to be like drill, drill, drill, and just like freaking lazer focus for a second. And then there’s some things that can be more effortless, um, and get better results. So the thing, that’s my favorite thing about us being different. And I can’t think of any other. Because everything else is kind of scary. 

Yeah. We’re pretty similar. But, uh, Kat is, yeah. I think the Kat probably is one of the most creative people that I know. Uh, she really, I mean, when you look up the definition of a visionary, like you fit under it perfectly. And, uh, so her, every time we get a voicememo from her, I’m so excited because she’s, uh, got some juices flowing in there and I, and I’m like, how [00:22:00] can I like work hard to make that happen? And then she’ll come back and that’s so true. We’re smart. 

And you all disagree on something. How do you work?

 I will tell you that those moments there, they’re not few and far between, because we’re always wanting things to be better. And when things are needing to get better, it’s like teasing a knot out of your hair. And so that takes some back and forth. And like, what is the goal? Like, is that the right goal? And so the coolest thing though, is that we have literally the same like mission and the same long distance goal. And so everything that’s like immediate, if kind of just like. We both had experienced the same tension. 

Yeah, for sure. And if there is anything, one thing that is super helpful is that we talk to each other with GUIDE Culture conversational principles. Which is all about getting on the same side of the table, like handling an objection. The point is for everyone to be on the same team and move forward. And so one thing we say a lot or something, we [00:23:00] just believe, I don’t even know if we say, but you know, we don’t really care who scores. We care that the team wins. And so just coming back to like, okay, ultimately, like, what is the point? What is the goal?

Whose idea who cares, you know, or who who’s. Right. Who cares? Let’s get it, uh, get the goal and the goal and get the ball in the goal. Yeah. 

You all have another phrase that I, that I really like, which is. Lose the argument win the customer and this feels really similar, right. It’s like setting your sight on that like long distance goal. And as long as everyone’s on the same page about that, it kind of doesn’t matter what happens. Right. Right. 

Sure. For sure. We will like hash it out, say what we need to say, like in the GUIDE Culture way. And then once the decision is made, like we’re all all in and we don’t look back because we like win the, decision, not the argument, even like say the word argument. 

You think about. Most things that would cause like a little bit of like, oh, I don’t know if I love that, or I do love that or whatever. It’s so immediate. Like if it were a long distance thing, like I want GUIDE Culture to go public [00:24:00] versus like, I want it to be like a family business or something. That’s big decision, but like, you know, the stuff in the immediate what’s cool is, skills like sales skills, your well we’ll make it work no matter what. And we always do, even if an and also just knowing what is our saying around, like, everything feels like a test. Anyway, every strategy feels like a test and we all believe so much in our ability to make that test work eventually. Just the extreme ownership and persistent mentality. So. Yeah, it’s just getting through those little, a little hurdles. 

One of the things that I really admire about both of you that I think you’re really, really good at is being able to demo what you know, at like the drop of a hat. So I’m wondering if you can give us an example of how you use the GUIDE Culture way to work through something like, what does that look like? 

Or if there’s something in the office or. Or which way?

Yeah. With each other, for something, 

oh gosh, you do this. You, your voice memos are constant. I’m like, okay, so what are we demoing? So let’s say we don’t agree. Why would he not agreed on lately? okay. So for example, One thing and this isn’t lately, but one thing that I love to like start fresh. Okay. If I see something that could be better, learn it and start over, you know? And truthfully like that is not needle moving. It is not like getting it into the hands of people. And like the, the little steps, the little details. It’s not as important as you know, so Kat will be so good at saying.

 Cushioning and supporting my thoughts. She’ll say something like Macy. I, I get it. You know, like making sure everything is, as excellent as we can make. It is the most important thing I am. So with you, what’s really cool. And then she’ll kind of provide me some evidence and maybe like reverse it.

She might say something like what’s really cool Macy, is that what we [00:26:00] have is getting people major results. The workbook, like the cause of course, like I was wanting to like make the workbook better or whatever. She’s like the workbook, the video, the quality, like the video quality, all of that is super important.

But what we have is working, the best thing that we can do is get into the hands of more people. And then from there, you know, whatever, whatever, and just kind of help me shift my perspective and remind me. Hey, that’s small while we will get there at some point, the most noodle moving thing right now is, you know, getting in front of more people, for example, and all of a sudden I’m like, dang, you’re right.

Like, thank you. Thank you for helping me think correctly. Thank you for stopping me from burning everything down unnecessarily, completely unnecessarily. And now we’re like on the same team on the same side, our mission to do the thing that makes the most sense. Is that a good example? Is it a good example?

I want to tell a plant, they totally put you on the spot. I’m wanting to give a little bonus principle behind that. That has nothing to do with the question, which is if a product isn’t selling. [00:27:00] So many people think it’s the inside the guts of the failure. Oh gosh, he’ll probably hate that. I filmed it on zoom or they hate that. you know, I look like an amateur or whatever the workbook is ugly. It’s a PDF, not a printable, whatever the business owner could think, oh, it’s my product. It is absolutely the forward facing sales of that product. And. Your product is fine. If one person has one with it, people are people they’re more people can win with that.

 So just want to encourage someone out there. Who’s wanting to be like Macy and just have like a burn of the ship moment. You probably don’t need to burn the ship. Um, you just need to get creative with how you’re selling it. That’s all. 

She’s a hundred percent. 

And you guys have a really great example of that, which is like the great webinar come back of April, 2020, where you spent all this time dialing in this webinar for this really specific launch. And then you’re like sitting there and you’re waiting for all the sales to come in and there’s like crickets. Right. And what you know, is that what, what the container is. Doesn’t it [00:28:00] matter as much as what’s inside of it. Right. And so you did exactly what Kat is talking about. You just switched up the sales strategy because you knew that what you were actually offering was still providing value and you had some really big learnings from that.

 Oh my gosh. Yeah. So, um, we did this webinar, no one bought from it, sat on the back of a truck cracked, open a Truly, cause we were selling, we were ready to sell it to somebody. So what’s our grade going to be? Are we going to get an a on this launch? Didn’t and. W the reason I’m telling you this story is because that next day in our team meeting, we did think about changing the inside need to do. We need to create a new product, to make sure that people understand what GUIDE Culture is. And it was just like panic mode for a second. We were like, wait, wait, wait. Let’s like, step back. See what is the real problem here? Like, let’s look in the mirror. Splash some cold water on our face and really get honest. And honestly, we just thought, well, the sales message wasn’t right. And that’s okay. We have sales skills, but the message at that time was not right. And a lot of, getting people’s attention and having a right sales message [00:29:00] all comes down to what’s relevant. And April 20, 20 COVID had just hit. So we really needed to shift things and we weren’t used to selling during a pandemic.

So we just had. Again, look in the mirror. What are people dealing with? Because selling. Really the art of understanding people. And then speaking to them, it’s really both. So we spent that week using not a strategy.

We just got on stories and shifted the sales message and had a six figure launch within a week.

 And so it isn’t even a launch at that point. It was just like an enrollment basically. Yeah. So it’s just so it’s so free. Scary to try strategies, but it’s freeing to know you have something to fall back on. and it’s freeing to know that the juice can go in the strategy. You might not do it perfectly because let’s face it a, webinar’s not the same as Instagram stories, but you can use the same sales message. and I think there’s even more grace with stories, for sure, potentially. So, you know, times are always going to change. Strategies will always change technology will. So just having that freedom. [00:30:00] Choosing, um, and adapting is a beautiful thing. It’s saved our booties many, a time, many a times. 


We’ll get right back to the episode. And now I want to take a quick break to tell you about our membership, the Curate Community.


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 I think that it’s one of the things I appreciate about your work so much is that it really is a skillset that isn’t ever going to change. Right? [00:32:00] That’s applicable in your business and in your life. That it’s a way of being that it’s a practice. Right? You talk about like getting reps in. And I think that in the landscape that we’re operating in right now, people get confused between like the strategy. Skillset, and it’s really, really refreshing to see you working so tirelessly and so meticulously to equip people with the skillset to be able to outlast whatever the strategy this year is.

For sure. For sure. Thank you. Yeah, it’s a, I mean, a strategy is sexy. It is, it’s like, it’s like a new like technology, like, Ooh, this is so fun. This is so cool. and it is unsexy to sell a foundational skill. So the role of making sales sexy is like our mission when we say making sales. Cool again. And, we really believe like this is the missing piece for people who are living in the strategy or like, Like just handcuffed to a strategy that they think is going to work, but they don’t know, and they’re nervous and they’re putting all their eggs in one basket, the freedom to have skills subconsciously in the back of their mind where they’ve mastered it.

 There’s nothing like it there’s nothing like it, someone messaged me. I either just did like an Instagram story about like something having lunch at 11 o’clock yesterday. They just like, oh, like, I just feel, you’re so confident. I’m like sales skills. Like there’s no question. It is literally just subconsciously knowing like, we could go door to door right now. Like if we needed to go door to door, if we needed to sell anything, that fire extinguisher right there, like we could, and that feels so good. If everything were just to fall apart, we know exactly what to do. 

And, uh, whoever’s listening the caveat to going to sell a fire extinguisher, go door to door is to give us an hour to learn some stuff.

Yeah, that’s all we got it. Give us an hour to learn some stuff and then we can do it. See, I think the misconception with salespeople is that is they sell ice to an Eskimo and it, and it gives off this. Like, I’ll just say what needs to be said. And that’s not the case at all. It say what you understand and what people need to hear based on what they need. Right? So [00:34:00] like there’s many pieces to the sales puzzle, but once you get it and you’re in the flow of learning your people and you know, your product, that’s when it can be on autopilot and you can have a conversation that just flows. And actually helps people win and make a decision that they can be bought into. And then Pia like you said, you actually become the salesperson because you’re bought in. We did a good job of helping people get bought in and that’s the greatest compliment ever. Yeah. 

You mentioned freedom a couple of times. And what I’m also hearing in what you’re saying is a sense of safety and security, right? I think one of the biggest things that feels hard for business owners is like the instability, right. Or stepping out from security and, and kind of that tired tale of like, I don’t know where my next paycheck is coming from. And so I’m hearing the freedom and I’m also hearing. That sales skills equips you with that, like safety and security, to be able to be successful in what you do in your life and in your work.

You know, what’s so funny. You just the other day, uh, my husband, he is our, we call him our CFO. And so we’ll talk numbers and he made a comment the other day. He was like, yeah, what’s so great about your businesses. It’s just so predictable. That’s what he said. It’s so predictable and, and in my, how that works, I know. And it’s like, in my head, I’m like, is it? And then I’m like, wait, I think it, it like, it is predictable. Like we know what’s coming. Like we can predict conversations and what’s going to equal sales., we can predict elite. Like it is predictable. And that honestly, like I have been thinking about that. I’m like, how cool is that?

That we can take an online business, which really is. Historically unpredictable, because you got to buy for leads and how much Lee’s going to cost. How many are going to show up to the webinar? How many people are going to convert? Is this going to be right? I’m not really sure. And that was just felt really good for me. Just to believe that, you know. 

When you think about predictability, as it relates to skill sets, Uh, plumber has a skillset. Is it incredibly sexy? No. But do you, when you need one, do you want him to be able to do an, a predict that he can accomplish the job? Absolutely. And guess what? Paul Morris actually make like six figures. LOL electricians [00:36:00] to people with skillsets are basically guaranteed to get paid because they can perform what they need to perform. And so a salesperson, whether you are You know, a full-time mom or your full-time corporate or your full-time business owner, or you do all of it, you can actually predict your results.

And that’s, what’s so cool. And it’s so freeing, like I said, the strategies they’re even hard for us to learn. Like what the heck is that? Evergreen? Like it’s a whole beast and that’s fine. We love to learn. We love to just like, know what the industry is doing and implement and fun new ways. But at the same time, it’s like, Hey, in the meantime, let’s know how we’re going to sell ideas because. You know, we don’t want to be victim to right. Internet outages or Instagram being down for a day. Right. Like the predictability does absolutely create freedom. 

Yeah, totally. 

When you’re talking about skillset, I’m hearing that like note of, ownership again. So I want to talk a little bit more about that. You have really detailed company values. And I want to hear a little bit more about how you arrived at those definitions, because it’s obviously really critical to the buy-in that you’ve generated both internally on your team in order to be able to scale your business and also in your community and with your students and beyond.

So your first value is that you’re a professional online business. You partially define that by saying that you take extreme ownership of yourselves, your decisions, your thoughts, your growth, your projects. Is there a certain experience that brought you to creating this culture of ownership?

So it is, so it goes back to how you said, take the blame. Let’s say lose the argument win the relationship. So we just called that like take the blame. We just take the blame no matter what. So for example, let’s say, let’s say someone like, wants to buy GUIDE Culture, right? Let’s say Kat wants to buy GUIDE Culture. but her husband. Doesn’t want her to buy, right.

So I have a conversation with Kat and I’m like, she’s in, she’s in, I’m so excited. And Kat comes back to me and she said, Hey, my husband is like telling me, [00:38:00] no, I could say. Man her husband is like, he’s at fault, or I can say, you know what, that’s my fault. That’s my fault that she didn’t believe enough that she went to him that made him question her, like I could be a better salesperson.

 And the exciting thing about that is that’s something that like, you get to be better at doesn’t mean that you get to control. It is exhausting to live in this like, well, it’s his fault. It’s her fault. It’s not my fault. And the I can do about it. How, like sad is that to live in a world where you have no control. You’ve no control. And so around here, like no matter what, if this place were to like get broken into tomorrow, our, our office, like, it’d be my fault. I’m not sure why, like I w maybe it’s because like the security wasn’t right. Or, you know, I didn’t like double-check, the door is my fault. 

and it’s becomes a habit too. We all do. There’s been times where we like fight over whose fault it is. I know it’s my fault. 

Stop is mine. It’s my fault. Uh, it was like, even my little boy, if he were to break something like it is my fault that it was, it’s not his fault. He doesn’t [00:39:00] know any better. And so you just get to like absorb it and just like be better. It’s that 1% better because there is something you could have done and you get to improve.

 And someone might listen to that for like the baby boy example. Well, what does that teach a kid? Well, that’s where sales culture comes back because you get everyone else in the family bought into, Hey, it’s my fault.

I had Lucy saying it was my fault and she hasn’t said it in a minute, but there was a week there where she kept saying like, like that’s my fault, you know? And I said, you know, that’s okay. You know, I forgive you, you know, you broke the thing or whatever. It’s just the sales culture, kind of, it all comes together. And I hope that that is clear to see. 

And it’s also just like a service minded. Like you don’t have to carry this, like I can. and it’s just, I don’t know something about it. It’s so freeing. 

Yeah. Well, This concept of it, when you feel like you have no control, then you just learn this helplessness, you have a fixed mindset. Right. Whereas when you know that you have control, then it’s like, oh, well then all I can do is do better next time. That’s right. And then you’re actually challenged to adapt, reflect and do something different, which is great. Yeah. Who doesn’t want to do better? 

My next question. It’s something that you just kind of hinted at, but I want to pull it out a little bit more overtly, which has this idea of balancing accountability and empathy.

And so you all clearly have a really high degree of self accountability, right? You fight over whose fault today is. And I’m also hearing that you have a lot of empathy for each other and for other people. And part of that comes from that like forgiveness piece, right? Kat, you were talking about your daughter where you’re like, it’s okay.

I forgive you. You’re like, and it’s really interesting how accountability and empathy can actually. Work together in situations like that. I’m really curious to hear your perspective on that.

It almost reminds me of how having a tight schedule is freedom. They feel like they would oppose each other, like, no, no, no. The emptier the schedule, the freer you are when really the more structure. Then you actually know what your life is about to look like in, in some way as best you can. So in the same way, accountability is like, Hey, the more I know that I like is on my [00:41:00] shoulders. I don’t know. Well, I don’t know how that balances with empathy, but it just feels like.

I can give you a specific example. So, w the way someone is accountable is that they are counting it. They’re accountable for it. Right? So, for example, let’s say Maddie, she’s our Maddie ninja on the team. Let’s say she is accountable for the evergreen funnel to hit like certain numbers, right? The only way, the only way she would get in trouble, I’m doing my air quotes.

The trouble is if she made no decisions at all. It’s the only way I would rather it fail. I would rather lose money. I’d rather not work. And she went for it because she was accountable for it. Right. And all the things we will learn, all the things like the failures are so good. If this is for anybody, this is for like, my, this is gonna be for Rush, my kid, like this is gonna be for. The action is what matters. We will figure it out on the other end, but I need people who like see the accountability and take action regardless of the result. Like, we’ll figure it [00:42:00] out, you know, until I see it. 

And I guess the empathy comes in. just know, like, just knowing that we’re, we are a team, right. And so it’s just kind of comes naturally where. Uh, and, and I guess like, if you say it’s my fault internationally, not saying it’s your fault, right? Like I’d rather, I’d rather myself take the blame that makes you bad Kat, by the way. That was your fault. Yeah. That’s that is a field nearly as good as just me doing it myself.

Yeah, for sure. Also Pia I think maybe what you’re hearing also is just like encouragement. Yeah, encouragement alongside it. Everything that is like something we really believe in a Lloyd, he always says, people need encouragement, like they need air and most people just don’t get it. No, like very few people are told good job. I’m proud of you. You’re doing amazing. In fact, let me tell you specifically why maybe you’re doing a good job. Like very rarely is that happening. Here at GUIDE Culture, we have in-person trainings. Like we literally just compliment somebody and they’ll just start crying. Cause they just haven’t heard it.

You know, and so that is like a huge deal [00:43:00] around here. And I think that might be what you’re hearing is the empathy, but it’s also just encouragement.

Totally, I love that distinction. Um, and both, and how both of those things, like kind of a hundred percent learning how to appreciate people really specifically, is a skill that I had to be taught how to do. And it does make a huge difference. So I love that. You mentioned, the action is like the most important thing. And so I want to circle back on something else that, that you said earlier, which is that the people that communicate their message are the ones that live out their calling and. I think that’s so, that’s so interesting. I’ve never heard it put that way and like, it makes total sense. So what do you think is a communication skill that business owners have an opportunity to improve on either within the context of sales or outside? 

You know what Grant Cardone said in his podcasts recently, he said, um, he said, you know, so many people are dreamers. he said, but the [00:44:00] people who miss out on their dreams it’s because other people take their dreams and their dreams and sell it, they take other people’s dreams and they sell it. So who like, who makes the money Pia? The inventor or is it the person that takes it to market It’s not the idea. It’s not the invention.

It’s the person that cast vision and sells not even the product, but why the product matters, why it’s gonna be so life-changing. Why the vision, the future of this product is going to be, you know, the end all be all. And so to answer your question, it’s, it’s the ability to sell an idea. The ability to sell like the dream life that people can have by using, you know, whatever thing that is, what it is about. People, or even just yesterday, someone’s like talking about their clothes.

Like I’m selling my clothing online. I’m like, Hey, it is not about the clothing. It is not about the clothing. It’s the fact that when you dress on trend, your first impressions are different. It’s the fact that your clothes. Tell a story about [00:45:00] who you are. Is the fact that the way you walk in a room can truly change the trajectory of the conversations you have, which could change your life. Like that is the vision you’re selling, not the blouse, not the pants who cares about the pants, what are the pants represent? And how can you cast vision to that person of why those pants are going to get you the dream job or the date or the love of your life. That’s where people are missing. They think they’re selling the thing and it is not about the thing. It is about the dream.

 I’m talking to someone, uh, I think it was last week and I said something like that. She, she had an e-commerce platform and she was talking about how she curates the products that she sells on the platform. And I was like, well, it’s not really about the products you’re selling and. Totally crazy. and it’s like, she had this big mission behind how she creates the third product. Like those certain products, like there was, there was that vision, right there was that bigger why. That was the part that wasn’t getting across. And that’s why she was struggling with the numbers on, you know, the actual platform. 

It’s so easy for someone to probably listen to Macy and be like, yes. [00:46:00] Yes, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Like you are more confident, act different than whatever in your, in your friend. It’s like, oh, I have this vision. It’s what I wish more people knew is that it’s not, you’re not born with the ability to speak the language of the people who need to hear it because what you feel doesn’t matter in what they hear, what they hear. Does matter, but those two things are actually very in conflict because there’s a part of our brain. That’s limbic it, you, we are feeling all these things and that part of our brain cannot speak language. So for you to be able to actually put those emotional visions and, and just like things that matter so much into language that someone else can understand and want, that’s the skill that is the skill in.

I think people think, well, if I’m just nice and passionate, that it’ll work for me and angel, if that were true, that every single person who’s ever wanted to start a business would probably be crushing it because that’s what everyone wants. Is to make a difference and make money and be a [00:47:00] happy person, but most fail. Right. And why? Because they weren’t able to say it in a way that people actually wanted it. So it doesn’t matter what, it doesn’t matter what you care about. 

You being professional Grant Cardone also said, you know, you can be anything, but you can’t be, you’re not, you know, he’s he, his example was of a mom. He said just because someone’s a mom doesn’t mean that you would let your, let her watch your kid. There’s difference between like a mom and a professional mom, you know? So there’s a difference between electrician and professional electrician and the professional, the professional can communicate and they get paid, then they get paid. That’s right. 

 I love that. When I asked y’all what you do differently compared to other businesses that either exist in the same space as you, or do the same thing that you do or something similar, you said, we do what we want. And I love that answer. Super powerful. And it sounds so simple, but in my experience, every business owner, including myself, has to like come to that commitment through like a lot of trial and error.

Right. You have to not do it the way you want to do it [00:48:00] or do it the way everyone else is doing it, or get swept up and, you know, whatever, until you commit to just doing whatever you want. And I really would love to know. Uh, what some of those moments were for you all that got you to this place of like, yeah, we do what we want.

 Oh, my gosh, we were talking about our cohort filling up. 

Yeah. Kat led the charge on this in a major way. 

So you think like a teenager who wants to do what they want? It’s usually not a good idea. Right. But if they have principles and morals, then doing what they want will probably lead them down the straight path. Right. So it’s similar with us. Like have like quote people telling us what to do. We don’t have like parents per se, who were like, do this, do that. But we do have guiding principles and skills that are like, Hey, as long as we do this, everything else will be okay. So that’s what we do, what we want with thoughtful wisdom.

I hope. Um, and so like, we’ve talked about the webinar stuff in the past and you know, that just. Follow this, this and this. And actually I [00:49:00] want to give a specific example. So we were following a webinar, formula. This was, I think like summer of 2020. And there was just this moment where I think our copy coach just saw it on your face.

And she said, okay, if you could do a webinar script yourself, how would it be? And in that moment, you like lit up and your brain open. Like the sky is parted of the, like, I would basically do it like a GUIDE Culture presentation. I would get their attention. I would get them curious and an understanding that I would build the value with three points.

Then I would cast vision for them. And then I would just ask them close and just ask them to join. And that was, that was the launch that we got the most creative. We still use those points to this day. And. Um, we sold three cohorts in one webinar, which is a a hundred people. It was, it was 120 people. It was amazing.

And what’s cool about that is yes. Yes, we did a webinar, but no, we didn’t do it the way that. Some guru said to do it and, [00:50:00] and the, the container didn’t matter. Like, it just didn’t matter. It was what was our understanding of what we were communicating. And then since then we’ve done things like not do webinars and just selling Instagram stories and.

 Did the same amount of money, you know, or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So doing what we want. I mean, it’s still so painful to follow directions. And also one more quick story. We signed up for this, training to learn a new strategy, because again, we’re curious and want to learn all the things. And literally, since this program has launched, technology has already changed. Back watching recordings from just November of 2021.

 It’s different in different. It’s different now. And there’s only a few months later and I’m like, holy crap. Like we have to, it kind of makes me mad, but in a good way. Cause I’m like, okay, this is confirmation that we can do what we want for the people. And clearly it doesn’t matter. Clearly it doesn’t matter. So we’ll do what we want. And thank God we have the skills that make it work a perfect example. 

Oh, yeah. That’s so powerful. I feel [00:51:00] like that was something that everyone who’s listening really, really needed to hear like very tangible examples of, cause again, it sounds easier than it is when you’re like in it.

 I have a going to do what you want. I’ll just say that is not easy. It’s actually very hard to put your blind. 

 Totally. I have one last question for you. And it’s in the vein of doing something that you want. So. You said that building out the GUIDE Culture space, you have this new, beautiful space. You’ve had this space for a while, but it sounds like you’ve done a lot of improvements recently was a risk and that made you show up differently.

 And, having a physical space is, has been part of my vision for Curate Well Co since before even like had an LLC before the business was even a business before I even made like my first dollar of anything. And we’re inching closer to. And it’s one of those things that I keep like putting off.

Right. I really want to do it. I want to put my blinders on it. I want to do it. And it’s like, so intimidating to me, it’s just like totally new territory. I know that it’s going to be a big investment. It’s just like all the things. It’s like the exact opposite of like other [00:52:00] parts of our business that are like working really, really well right now.

 And that comment stood out to me as, as it was a risk. Right. You acknowledged that and it’s made you show up differently. How did it make you show up differently? 

 So what’s so cool about when your back’s against the wall, you have no other option You have no other option and the, uh, decision, it literally means D to cut off and, or sorry.

D is to get rid of decision is to cut off like an incision. So when you decide there are no other options. Right. And I think also part of it was like the, a working mentality. We did it. What feels like so long ago. I didn’t honestly didn’t know any different. I just was like, man, we’re doing a lot of in-person stuff.

It’s going to save us a lot of time and it’s going to actually save us money in the long run and save us energy, which is the most important resource to build out a space. And I think as a co, so there’s a couple things here. Number one, it’s the back up against the wall, no other option. Like that was my decision.

And I was like, I’m going in? I think [00:53:00] up until then it was a little bit. I think this is gonna work. I think this is I’m gonna do long-term. I think, I think, I think did this race. I was like, this is it. This is it. I’m done guessing I’m done straddling. Like we are going freaking in. And at that same time Kat came on it. Like we toured the space when it was like in construction and that same night we had a decision, we were going to get married, you know? So like both of those things, like catapulted everything. I really think Kat was like really the thing, honestly, but something like in me personally, just because I had so much skin in the game, I just, like, I just feel like there’s something in my eyes. It was just different. I was like this, I’m doing this for Tom my grandma all like period. So I better do it. Right. You know? And, Uh, and also of course, like we borrowed money and it was so fun to be able to have the skills, to be able to know exactly what to do to pay it back. It was like a game. It was fun.

It was exciting. And so you can see it, you can decide like it’s going to work or you can decide it’s going to be hard. We just decided it’s going to work. It was going to be fun with your needs or skills. And we just waited for time to [00:54:00] catchup. And what was crazy is like the space didn’t get finished until January of 2020 when we were doing in-person every single month.

And then that stopped. But something about the team changed to people having a place to come. People like just, just having their own home. It just, I can’t. Make it, put it into words. I don’t know if you have any insight in that.

I don’t know. It’s all I knew. Yeah. It’s all you knew.

Um, but you know, we started upstairs in this building and like a tiny little round wooden table and we just like all crammed into it and I was fine, you know, and then we got an electric table that we can all stand up at and then that was fun.

Like, it was fun Um, Again, this is like a blinders situation where you just put your blinders on and honestly, Pia, like the way you think about it is like everything’s going to either cost time or 


Right. And so the time to me is so much more valuable than money and that, and the time that we were spending, printing, traveling, you know, moving the stuff over and calling people in organizing things and whatever, I’m like, I’m freaking done.

Like I’m going to go faster with money right [00:55:00] now. And it’s been the best thing that we’ve done. Just to be able to walk up in here and turn on cameras, turn on the lights, do what we need a new in bust out of here. And ultimately what we want is to be able to help people and also like be with our families, you know, and if that’s going to help us do that better, it’s worth it.

Yeah. And Pia, I actually saw a post that Curate Well Co did yesterday about like being cool and like what’s. Yeah. And there’s so many ways my brain goes with this and like, when do you like, just not want to be cool, but like, is that the actual cool thing, right? Like, so one of the things that. Might not be cool is to like, be a fanatic, like build building Curate Well Co space is like, wow, she’s like my chill out Pia or chill out Macy, like, Ooh, but you could just use zoom calls and accept PayPal and do Facebook groups and you could make all this profit, you could be getting all my business, like profits, like crazy and whatever.

And it’s like, that’s like the cool thing. But what people might not think is cool is like, gosh, it’s like debt. And then it’s like paid off and you have to work hard. Right. I don’t know. [00:56:00] I’m just thinking like it’s, it’s unsexy to put all the chips in, of course the results are sexy sometimes and people wanted the stage and they want the beautiful office and they want the kitchen with the back splash and the whatever, but it’s like not cool.

It’s not really cool to be a fanatic. So true. Really shy away, I think from leaning in and that kind of brings us full circle to. Being the salesperson, right? Like that is the whole point is you take extreme ownership over what you do to the point where you’re willing to have a crazy look in your eye and, and freak people out.

Yeah. And that’s the thing also just about risk. Like I’m sh I know you talk to people all the time. They have to risk, like, and when they invest in their business, it’s a risk, right. It is what it is and that people can get so hung up on like a risk. Which I totally get. You want to be wise with your money at 100%, it is cost of admission to entrepreneurship.

It is cost of admission and it just like Grant Cardone. We love Grant Cardone. He talks real estate, but he’s an amazing salesman. He is an amazing salesman, but he drained his bank account [00:57:00] every single month. He’s like, I want to see zero. I want to see zero because that’s what makes me keep going. And he also has, you know, planes and all kinds of stuff, but he just invest his money and gets it out of his bank account so he can see zero.

It makes him go. So a risk is like while yes, it’s scary. It might be the very thing. It might be the very thing you need to get where you need to go. But that’s part of the risk, you know, and I know people who like have all these ideas and all these dreams, if there’s one guy is my really good friend, he loves to look at real estate loves, look at stuff.

He is a perfectionist. He will never take a risk and he will never get where he wants to. Period. He just won’t and I like love him to death. Encourage him, want him to win, but he will not ever because the risk is too great for him, even though in my eyes is really not that great. It’s actually a greater risk not to honestly. Cause the risk of staying in the same place 10 years from now.

 That is way more sickening than risking a little bit of money. Like if you think about it, especially, you know how to make money, Pia, you can always make more money, but you can never get a time back. Amen. And I’m not willing to [00:58:00] risk that time. 10 years from now. 

That was so powerful. Thank you so much for that.

I’m totally taking the upgrade of your cool reference Kat with me. That’s like, that’s my, that’s my lesson for today. I appreciate that so much. So we’d love to leave our listeners with a mic drop moment. So I’m handing you the microphone. It’s your stage. And I want to invite you to say the thing that you think needs saying.

 Man. So you did such a good job. I like really enjoyed this and you brought so much good heart out. I feel like, but I guess I just want to encourage someone who feels like you’ve done everything, you’ve done everything. And maybe you’ve had a moment where you think maybe this isn’t for me. Like I thought it was maybe I don’t have what I thought I had to make it work.

You do have what it takes. You just need a little bit of help. And I think in this culture, there’s like this a year. Perfect. How you, our culture. And we’re not like there’s always room to learn something new and not just learn [00:59:00] like, oh, have like a better. Outlook, but truly like equip yourself. Um, because so often, like we said, everyone has a message. It’s your ability to communicate it. That’s going to help you live out your calling. And I just cannot sleep at night knowing that people aren’t living their calling, just because it’s not coming natural. If it’s not coming natural, the actually. That’s actually a really good thing. 

Yeah. The one thing that I would just encourage people is to be just aware of something.

This one thing, notice all the great people in the world and just notice that they are salespeople, no matter what they do. Martha Stewart, she is not a cook. She inspires people and sells them to get in the kitchen. Tiger Woods. Yeah. He’s a great golf player, but people are bought into him and his story, like he sells the vision of like mastery, the goat. you know. Anybody who’s great. They’re not great just because of what they do. They’re great because they can get people on board and that’s what a sales person does. So if you are not sure that you’re in sales, just, just be watching the people that you [01:00:00] love and to see if you’re like, Hey, I can like get behind them.

 Like, what is this? The flag that they stake in the ground that you would rally around. That’s what makes him a great sales person. If you can know that, and I hope you get inspired by them and go and learn sales skills. If you don’t do anything, if you don’t do whatever you do, nothing works without sales skills just doesn’t.

You can have a dream. You can be the best of the best of whatever you do. But if people are not on board, it doesn’t matter. Uh, so go master them. And like I said, it takes time or money. You didn’t spend time reading the books, doing the thing, or you can spend a little bit of money. GUIDE Cutlure is eight week program and you can master it quickly and effectively, uh, with a program that has proven over and over and over again.

 That was awesome. I want to acknowledge both of you for how evident it is to me that you have not only mastered your skill, but mastered the role that you play in t he work that you’re doing for the world. Like my impression of both of you is just that you can talk about this for ever [01:01:00] have examples and evidence that just like does not quit.

And I think that that depth and that mastery and that excellence and that expertise just totally came across in this conversation. And I know how much work goes into cultivating that. And I know how much intention goes into cultivating that I know how much time goes into cultivating that. And I really acknowledge you both for that.

Thank you so much for spending this time with us today. This is an incredible conversation that we got to do this. Thank you, 

I took the GUIDE Culture training and was blown away by the volume of content available in the program. It completely exceeded my expectations and I can totally say the same of this conversation with Macy and Kat. Their expertise only grows deeper with every GUIDE Culture cohort, graduate in-person event or piece of content that they create for their community.

And we got just a taste of their expertise in this conversation. I could have asked them questions for days about how sales impacts their team culture, the key drivers of their [01:02:00] success with guide culture, and how to become an expert in your product and your people. Well, we didn’t get to every question that I have for them.

You can expect them to make appearances in the curate community, our annual membership. So be sure to take advantage of the discount code in the show notes and join us to learn from them. And many other guests, experts and leaders in business. You can sign up now to join the next cohort of GUIDE Culture at GuideCulture.co and you can find Macy and Kat on social @theguidecutlure, @MacyMcNealy and @KathrynMSchubert.

And be sure to grab, Follow Up Flow, a system to consistently stay in needle moving conversations from GUIDE Culture. You can use the code in the show notes to get it for free.


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