4 Ways to Attract Different Personalities When Selling

Oct 14, 2020


Wondering what the missing piece is for marketing your offer?

You’re not considering who is on the other end.

Sounds crazy, I know — you make the offer for them, right? But, if you’re not seeing a consistent flow of clients in your business, it probably means that your messaging isn’t resonating with them.

When communicating to your community about your upcoming offer (course, mastermind, service, etc.), it’s important to think about who is on the receiving end of your communication and how they are going to experience your message. Just like we all learn in different ways, we also buy in specific ways. By being strategic about how you explain your offer to whoever is on the receiving end, your message will land with people differently based on how they make buying decisions. There are four main personality types we focus on to generate converting leads.


Personality Type One: Authority

The first type of person makes buying decisions based on authority and credibility. They want to know that you know what you’re talking about. They need to trust that you’ve successfully done what they’re trying to do, that you have a solution, and that you can help them.

This person likes quick, digestible bullet points of what they’ll be getting. They are more interested in knowing the transformation (result) rather than the specifics of how they’ll get there (especially when they see you as an authority and you’ve earned their trust!). They want the content delivered fast and they want a clear, actionable CTA.

How can you implement this?

  • Social proof! Share client testimonials and wins or media publication or podcast features often — this promotes your credibility and authority.

  • Display bullet points of what they’re getting in your Instagram caption — focusing on the benefits rather than the features.

  • Speak to the transformation available, the ROI of their investment, or the results you know they want.

Personality Type Two: Logistics + Details

The second type of person makes buying decisions based on logistics and details. They want to know what, when, how and why. They’re practical and logical in their decision-making process, and will likely have a lot of questions.

This person wants to know all. the. details. They want to know exactly what they’re getting and how it will be given to them. They will carefully examine the pros and cons, weighing all their options and information available before they make a decision — and it will be in their own time when they are ready.

How can you implement this?

  • Thoroughly share things like components, timeline, and what to expect when they purchase your offer.

  • Give specific examples that focus on data-driven insights from real client case studies.

  • In a newsletter, caption, swipe-up, etc., direct the viewer to a landing page that discusses the offer at length.

  • Reach out and ask them what information they still feel like they need in order to make a decision. They’ll appreciate that you’re available for questions.

Personality Type Three: Connection

The third type of person makes buying decisions based on connection. They want to feel connected to you and your brand. They want to know your story, your beliefs, your values, and what you do on the weekends.

This person also wants to know that you see and hear them. They like to see you face-to-camera and appreciate video testimonials in order to feel more personally connected to the experience they are purchasing. They want to be emotionally invested and connected with you and your offer.

How can you implement this?

  • Use engagement stickers to prompt them to send you a message in your DMs, so you can start a conversation with them. Then nurture that question/answer and make sure the individual is prioritized and valued .

  • Host a webinar, say hi to each person by name as they join (and ask them to introduce themselves in the chat!) and leave plenty of time to answer individual questions.

  • At least once a week, show your face on your Instagram stories and share something vulnerable, personal, or behind the scenes of your business/life.

  • Conduct a discovery call so they can chat with you and get to know you (and you, them!). You can also include personalized questions in your application form that gives them an opportunity to share specific requests, questions, or personal tidbits they want you to know.

Personality Type Four: FOMO

The fourth type of person makes buying decisions based on FOMO (fear of missing out). They want your offer to feel fun, celebratory, and like it’s a party they’ve been invited to.

This person values individual connection and a strong community. They’re fun and social — and often appreciate a good GIF. They like short content bursts.

How can you implement this?

  • Highlight the benefits of your Mastermind or facebook group. What makes it special? Is there an element of inclusivity, exclusivity, urgency, or scarcity? Speak on it!

  • Post a reel discussing a topic, opinion, or relatable experience in a fun, quick way.

  • Take a screenshot of the interface of your program/course/offer to show exactly what they’ll see once they buy in. Or do a video walk-through going pointing out the different elements of the interface and its features.

It’s important to create a cohesive editorial calendar that, on a cyclical basis, serves each one of these profiles. For example, throughout the week, share content that meets each of these needs.

Monday, Personality Type 4: Post a fun, relatable Reel about an experience you know your audience will relate to.

Tuesday, Personality Type 1: In an Instagram caption, display what your offer includes in a bulleted list.

Wednesday, Personality Type 2: Show a client transformation as a form of social proof that displays numbers, dollar figures, etc. to prove that your system works.

Thursday, Personality Type 3: Post a Quiz Engagement sticker on your Instagram stories. DM every person who responds with an authentic response — nurture them.

Friday, Personality Type 2: Discuss your offer in your Instagram captions, directing them to a landing page that has a detailed description — direct them to a clear CTA.

This strategy doesn’t stop at social media. You can implement this within every client-facing avenue you use; in your discovery calls, blog posts, YouTube content, etc. Each person needs to feel that your offer will take care of them. By knowing and serving their needs and desires in your content strategy, you prove that you have their back and can solve their problem.

PS — Find out what type of buyer YOU are with Meghan Lamle’s quiz.


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