Leveraging Thought Leadership to Sign $55k in Contracts Just 6 weeks After Our IRL Immersion

Dec 22, 2021

Making her name synonymous with her expertise, and rebuilding her business for a $150k Q1

Payal Beri 

Throughout a childhood spent navigating compassion for herself through constant change, and cultivating relationships within new cultures, Payal learned the power of human connection, and her purpose in life — empathy. Starting her career with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Payal worked in non-profit counseling with a wide range of populations including adolescent advocacy, geriatric severe psychosis, and orphanages in India and Peru. Exhausted from serving only the demographics she could get a grant for, in a system that treats people like textbooks, Payal knew she could shift how people perceive each other in a world of more discomfort and disconnect than ever before.  Her experience as a clinician witnessing her peers’ struggle with self compassion, led Payal to pursue a PhD in Organizational Psychology focused on creating psychologically safe cultures that allow upward accountability. Her work led her to design, develop, and deliver global leadership programs for Fortune 500 companies, and empower leaders to create accountability based in empathy. Today, she’s a speaker, researcher, and rebel against complacency and conformity — championing Compassion for self, Empathy for each other, and Accountability for all. 



Brené Brown. Payal Beri. 

Payal has always been someone who paves her own path — now, she’s brandishing a megaphone and a message to tackle some of the most complex problems: leadership and empathy. Payal came to Curate Well Co. looking to make her name synonymous with empathy, in the same way Brené Brown has with vulnerability. She wanted to cultivate a thought leadership platform that brought people together around disruptive ideas backed by diligent data-collection, not a me-first personal brand. 

When we met Payal, she was 1.5 years into her business and was: 

  • Coordinating many offerings, many of which weren’t aligned with her big vision to speak on stages and her strongest skills of facilitation and presentation — and weren’t serving the clients she felt most needed her decades of experience and research
  • Struggling with visibility. Payal wanted to get in front of the right people to make change in workplace culture, expand her brand into new business models and revenue streams, and lead a movement towards more empathy and connection in the world
  • Still considering the vision she held for her brand as far-off, rather than a platform to be pursued now
  • Feeling disconnected to her work, even after multiple re-brands, and ready to wade past surface level to affect deeper change through speaking

It’s time to trade trends for timelessness, and move away from the industry standard to meet your measure of success.



Leaders like Payal excite us because they represent everything we stand for at Curate Well Co. — approaching marketing as a movement, not just hard-hitting messaging, and  changing narratives and shifting norms. 

We hosted Payal in Santa Barbara, CA for an IRL Immersion, through which she achieved: 

  • $55k in new contracts over six weeks immediately following our in-person immersion, a direct result of re-written brand messaging, new offerings, and the strategy to pursue thought her thought leadership presence
  • Projected $150k in revenue for the quarter following our in person immersion, due to increased interest and engagement around her new approach, which leveraged her qualifications and called in the types of corporate clients she wanted to work with
  • Renewed excitement toward the direction of her business that she hadn’t felt so clearly before, allowing her to approach bigger opportunities, and embark on the next expansion of her brand
  • Glowing feedback from her offerings, further solidifying the direction she was headed in and confirming that her movement was resonating in her community


Payal was astonished by the level of depth we delivered, wishing we had worked together a lot sooner, and left our Immersion finally executing on the brand she’s wanted for the last ten years. She’s on her way to making her name synonymous with empathy, through a thought leadership approach built on shared beliefs and connecting with her community. 



We worked with Payal through our IRL Immersion to map out her new brand focus, strategy, and communication plan. In the month following our IRL Immersion, we executed and implemented each moving piece, resulting in a comprehensive re-launch of her business. 

Through our time together, we helped Payal:

  1. Refactor her Brand Message: The most crucial part to her pivot, we led Payal to distill her vision into a potent message that accurately reflected her journey, impact, and mission. She left our IRL Immersion exclaiming, “THIS is the work I want to be doing. This is the reason I’m here.”
  2. Calibrate her business plan: Popular approaches would send Payal down the road of prioritizing a personal brand and establishing authority in order to gain traction as a speaker. We benchmarked her success, instead, against creating connection, allowing us to design faster, fuller ways to spark her movement. 
  3. Rework her container: We revamped her offer suite completely — eliminating offers, introducing others, and renaming her podcast to fit the new direction. We supported Payal through collecting market research to validate and hone her new containers, and crafted messaging to convey the value of her new offerings to decision-makers.
  4. Pitch at higher levels: We created a new corporate pitch deck to get the right offerings in front of the right people, plus a prospecting list, speaker sheet, and media kit to network in this next phase of her business. 

In the end, we helped Payal completely overhaul her business and turn defeat and frustration into a reignited spark to build the business she has wanted for the last ten years: a transition that would not have happened if she had followed the trends of today to build authority as a figurehead or personal brand.



“It was incredible watching Pia’s brain in action! Amazed by how she was able to take my MANY words and create such clarity! Having Pia’s brain working with me makes me feel so supported. It’s made me so optimistic about what’s to come in the next year. The excitement I’m feeling for my business and its direction is something I haven’t gelt in a very long time, or to be honest, ever! Changing my entire business wouldn’t have been possible without Pia and her team. Such a game changer not only for my business, but for my confidence going into 2022. Thank you Pia for an incredible IRL meeting and Santa Barbara experience — you went above and beyond!”


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