Building Multiple Businesses to be Connective, Converting, and More Easily Consumable

Jan 7, 2022

Magi grew two legal businesses through careful consideration of the user experience


Magi Fisher | The Artist’s Lawyer, East + Bay Law

Magi is a wildly successful creative entrepreneur with three creative businesses, a career launched after by traveling the world photographing professional surfers and turned into a set of thriving businesses in the wedding space. She’s also a Lawyer, a natural step having growing up in courtrooms, and owns two legal businesses as well. To say magi is a serial entrepreneur is an understatement, and to say she growing her businesses with grace is an even larger one.






Magi approached Curate Well Co. for help with her newest business (at the time), The Artist’s Lawyer — an online shop for legal contract templates. She had a few templates ready, a basic website, and the start to a brand.

But she was struggling to connect with her community. Her content wasn’t converting into sales in her online shop. While all aesthetically stunning, her email content felt impersonal and her social presence was graphics-oriented, fairly sterile and missing a key emotion when it comes to legal support: trust.  

Another challenge: Magi was struggling to convey how her contracts were far more thorough and protective than other templates available online. The Artist’s Lawyer makes well-written, thoroughly researched, and comprehensively protective contracts — made possible only by Magi’s mixed background in both the creative and legal worlds. But she was struggling to reach the right people and recognize revenue in her online shop. She needed help capturing why her contracts are both approachable for the average user (who leans more creative than legal-informed), and protective. 

And finally, she felt overwhelmed by the amount of work people had to do to purchase her products — which were meant to make their lives easier, not more frustrating. But she wasn’t sure how to remove friction in the buying process. Because of this, delivering her templates felt like a lot of work on her end, and she was frustrated knowing that her products were so much better than the other options in her space, but her consumers had no idea how to purchase. 

We help you understand your customers’ needs, refine company operations, and deliver captivating consumer experiences — so you can leave a legacy that outlasts this year’s trends.



We helped Magi completely revamp The Artist’s Layer brand, making it an approachable, user friendly destination for creatives to purchase legal contract templates. We helped her grow her shop through creating a much larger library of templates, and, we built the framework for an affiliate program so Magi could leverage her relationships in the creative industries to drive more traffic to her legal business. 

Throughout the process of refining The Artist’s Lawyer, we also built a new business and brand for Magi’s project-based and retainer legal services — East + Bay Law. 

Because both of her legal platforms are optimized, Magi is fulfilling on her goal to change the way that creatives lean on legal support and grow successful businesses. She feels like everything is coming together for her to grow her two legal businesses, AND she feels confident in how these two businesses fit in with the network of her other brands — an important component for her to continue expanding her empire.



In working with Magi in a consulting capacity, we rebuilt her brands from the ground up 

  • We created in-depth ICA profiles for The Artist’s Lawyer, which later fueled a connection-based and consumer-centric content creation strategy 
  • We rewrote her brand messaging, reflected across multiple websites
  • We designed a content creation process that was realistic for Magi’s bandwidth and schedule, and accurately reflected the thoroughness of The Artist’s Lawyer products
  • We developed three of Magi’s brands: The Artist’s Lawyer, East + Bay Law, and her core Magi Fisher brand, honed in how the brands interact with each other, and designed user experience pathways to support her community in navigating across platforms

While we had the distinct pleasure of supporting multiple of Magi’s businesses as they grew throughout the year we’ve worked together, and supporting Magi as the dedicated leader she is — our biggest work centered around user experience.

We answered strategic questions about when someone should be a customer of The Artist’s Lawyer, versus when they should be a client of East + Bay Law, and created automated, high-touch workflows for all offerings across both businesses to support an easeful client experience. 

We created intuitive pathways to guide customers to the right contract template or services inquiry form to meet their unique legal needs, making her offerings more consumable — from a marketing and purchasing perspective. 

We refined — over and over — until the messaging, communication, and value-add across multiple brands was not only clear, but also highly connective.

People are intimidated by legal issues in their business — but we quickly turned this disadvantage into a fertile container to change the way creatives view legal support. We honored the artfulness of Magi’s work to build a brand that is scalable and reduces stress for both Magi and her customers. 



“Run, don’t walk! Coaching with Pia has been my favorite part of 2021 for my business!”


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