Guest Contribution by Sienna J. Brown
We’re in a pivotal moment of society where now, more than ever, there is a strong desire to belong to communities that create space for us to be authentically ourselves. As consumers, women want to be able to feel seen and heard as they’re taking proactive action to build the lives that they’ve always dreamed of. They are looking for leaders who create a safe space for them to work towards transformation to create impactful lives and businesses.
What does that mean for entrepreneurs? It means that your ideal audience needs you to authentically show up in a way that is inclusive and supportive as you help them reach their life-changing goals.
The game has changed and it’s time for us to step up to the plate.
I want us to take a moment to think about how we’re defining inclusion. Inclusion is much more than focusing on income but instead thinking about who you’re impacting and how you’re showing up for them.
When thinking about inclusion, it’s important that the people you interact with feel like they have a safe space for them to feel respected, valued, and appreciated exactly as they are.
It’s time to shift your mindset to focus less on selling and more on building long-lasting relationships — focusing less on the “quick wins” and “success story” culture and more on how to have respect and inclusivity become a core value of your business. When you make the shift, you’ll learn that impact will lead to income.
Having worked with diverse international communities over the last 6 years and teaching women how to lead with intention; building careers that allow for them to have a life filled with flexibility and freedom — I’ve learned quite a bit on how to listen to what your current (and future) audience needs to thrive.
Today, I want to share 3 ways to build a more inclusive community being exactly who you are.
Reimagine Who You’re Aiming To Serve
It’s time to take a moment to think about who you are currently serving. Go past the simple demographics of what age they are or where they’re living and start thinking about who they are at their core.
When we truly think about who we’re currently serving and who we want to be serving in the future, odds are, our ideal client and community member looks a lot like us or, at least, who you used to be.
Thinking about the transformation that you’ve had in life, as a business owner, it’s important to understand and accept all parts of your story and how that might be aligned in different ways to the people you want to attract.
When reimagining who you’re aiming to serve, start off with these 3 questions:
What are the core values of your ideal client?
What are their aspirations in life?
What transformation do you want to lead them through?
When thinking about these answers, you’ll find that odds are you can be attracting more people than you imagine. Take a step back to ask yourself… who else can you be reaching although they might not look like you, sound like you and most likely might not have had a similar upbringing.
Putting all of the “differences” you have aside, you’ll most likely see that you can still help them reach the transformation they’re looking for.
Listen To What They Actually Need
Now that you have a clearer idea of how to reimagine who you can be serving, it’s time to listen to what they actually need.
One of the biggest frustrations of many entrepreneurs, whether you’re just starting out or might be a few years into your journey, is that you’re playing a guessing game with what your audience really wants.
A surefire way to make sure that people feel seen and heard is as simple as asking them what they need and actually listening.
When you take time to get to know them and where they’re coming from, you’ll realize that everyone’s starting point might seem different but have underlying similarities. This is important to take into consideration as you realize that whey they might have the same goals, factors like their upbringing, struggles against adversity and the limiting beliefs that they might have will differ based on their background.
You’re not here to fix that or change them, but instead, it’s your job to realize that why everyone might not have the same story as you, the journey to overcome their individual struggles most likely have overlap.
Take time to not just focus on selling but instead focus on serving and you’ll find that everything else falls into place when you focus on impact over income. When you truly learn how they want to feel seen and heard, not just your interpretation of how it should be done, it will allow you to show up for them in ways you might not have imagined before.
Engage in conversation with them on social media
With social, we have access to so many different people in the world and it’s important to engage with them and hear what they need, not just on your own platform but also on other platforms and communities that are aligned with your vision.
Ask what they want to truly hear from you
As entrepreneurs, we all have our stories that we often share but sometimes, those in our community want more. Get to know them by using tools like Instagram polls, online surveys, and straight out asking them what they actually need from you.
You might have a blind spot in your story or journey that you take for granted but your community truly wants to know about it.
Build trust by being human
Here’s a pro-tip… stop trying to look perfect and have it all together. When I work with my students to teach them how to communicate with clarity and confidence the transformation they’re helping their ideal client or company reach, it’s not just about your success story.
It’s important to realize that your ideal clients are at Point A, you’re at Point C and the goal of where you’re trying to take them is Point B. You’re giving them the next step they need to work towards where you are now.
While it’s easy to only share your wins or when sharing a vulnerable moment, skipping over all of the details… you’ll realize over time the more that you start sharing real, vulnerable moments both where you are now and where you used to be will resonate with them more than you know.
Share all parts of your journey and you’ll gain trust by being human. People want to know that the brands and founders they’re working with aren’t perfect, they’re human… just like them.
When you remember that people will be attracted to who you are, not just what you do, you’ll see that they pay you to work with YOU and what you bring to the table, all parts of it.
Building a more inclusive community is a marathon, not a sprint but take time to start putting these tips into action and you’ll see how attracting new faces into your community is much easier than we think.
I know you’re here to have an impact on the world and the women you work with, shifting the way you view the people you’re trying to reach and redefine how to make your community as inclusive and authentic as possible is key to growth.
You’re on the right path. If this post resonated with you, please share on social media and be sure to tag me @siennajbrown so that I can join in the conversation. It’s time to take the steps you need to make it happen!
Hey there, I’m Sienna J. Brown — educator, expat and entrepreneur. My mission is to teach driven women how to build careers that provide them with the freedom and flexibility that they deserve. I work hand-in-hand with my students to secure remote work opportunities, build and scale their businesses for impact and income and provide value for their online communities.
When I’m not working, you can find me at home on the Mediterranean watering my plants, cooking a good meal or engaging in meaningful conversations with friends.
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